Innovative Turf Care for a Sustainable Future
Innovative Turf Care for a Sustainable Future
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Lighting analysis

Key features:
Creates a step by step analysis of your current situation
Quantitative analysis of the variables: light, climate and soil
Provide insight in what you need
Comparison HPS SON-T vs LED for your situation
Insights in budget planning and cost overview
Made in the Netherlands white
10 year led warranty white

Lighting analysis

Determine your optimal lighting solution
Before thinking about purchasing any lighting solution, it is important to make a thorough analysis of your current situation. What is the current status of the turf pitch. What is the location, what maintenance is being carried out and what is the objective of the customer investing in this solution?

Based on these questions, among other things, a quantitative analysis can be made, which provides insight into what is needed. In addition, many people have doubts about the application of HPS SON-T vs LED and there are many stories about this. We can provide insight into the pros and cons for a customer and make the comparison understandable and objective.

Finally, a budget planning and cost overview is also drawn up. After all, purchase costs in the form of purchase, lease or rental cannot be seen separately from the operational running costs, such as energy costs. In this way, the costs are transparent and the differences become understandable.
Key specifications | Lighting analysis
Current statusTurf pitch analysis
Quantitative analysisLight, climate and soil
InsightWhat do you need?
Light comparisonHPS SON-T vs LED
10 year cost overviewTotal cost of ownership

Request a turf care advice

Are you looking to ensure grass growth and recovery throughout the year, while maintaining a consistently strong and healthy turf pitch?

We can help you reach your goals through our innovative turf care systems and data driven approach. With our innovative approach, we aim to become your reliable and innovation partner in providing a diverse range of turf care and growlight solutions.

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Stogger Engineering BV
Maasbreeseweg 55a
5988 PA Helden
the Netherlands

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