Innovative Turf Care for a Sustainable Future
Innovative Turf Care for a Sustainable Future

turf advice

Assess your current situation
Before thinking about growlight solutions, it is important to clarify the starting situation. How is the grass currently being maintained? How do you feed your grass? Are you already using data to manage your turf maintenance?

First of all, it is important to assess your starting situation. Based on this, we make an inventory of which aspects of grass maintenance we can support you with. Based on this, we draw up a complete grass maintenance advice.

Conditions for good grass growth

To achieve healthy grass growth, five essential elements are required:
Nutrition / fertilisation

If there is any lack of these elements, it will stagnate the growth and recovery of grass. Therefore It is vital to supplement these factors as necessary to ensure optimal conditions for strong and healthy grass growth. Soil temperature and moisture levels can be managed by field heating and/or irrigation. In addition we recommend using our Stogger Booster grow light systems to achieve the required light levels for excellent grass growth and not to forget recovery.

Optimizing Light for effective Turf Management

Energy efficiency
To maintain operational costs as low as possible it requires providing the precise amount of light needed for the grass to grow. Inadequate light can hinder optimal grass growth, while excessive light leads to energy wastage. This can inflate operating expenses unnecessarily by thousands of euros. Effective management and control of lighting ensures minimized costs and improves efficiency.
Light simulation
An integral aspect of turf management is working with light simulations. These simulations assess potential shadow formation in stadiums from stands or roofs that may interfere with grass growth. In these more shaded areas, the need for supplemental light is significantly higher to stimulate grass growth.
A light simulation is a tool to provide insight into the amount of light received at parts of the turf pitch.

Direct sunlight

Increasing light exposure to grass does not always instantly promote growth, in fact, direct sunlight could be harmful in certain conditions. Certain grass species might experience stress when they are exposed to direct sunlight and high temperatures. Depending on different factors like light simulation and climate, additional measures are advised.


For optimal grass growth on your turf a combination of essential ingredients are necessary. Any imbalance could hinder efficient growth and lead to massive cost increases. Before recommending and implementing a grass growth solution, it is crucial to begin with thorough research and advice to assess the initial conditions. Feel free to contact us for a complimentary consultation request.

Request a turf care advice

Are you looking to ensure grass growth and recovery throughout the year, while maintaining a consistently strong and healthy turf pitch?

We can help you reach your goals through our innovative turf care systems and data driven approach. With our innovative approach, we aim to become your reliable and innovation partner in providing a diverse range of turf care and growlight solutions.

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Stogger Engineering BV
Maasbreeseweg 55a
5988 PA Helden
the Netherlands

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